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Black Door

If you’ve entered this door, we assume you’re a Black person who is ready and willing to start your personal healing journey. A journey to create, cultivate and embody greater love, peace, and happiness in your life.

My hope is that you will fight for your healing, peace, and joy more than you fight for justice, freedom, and liberation! By prioritizing your personal inner work, you’ll be mentally, emotionally, and physically stronger to empower the Black collective to move the movement for Black lives forward to attain community unity, freedom, and liberation.


If you are looking for a dynamic speaker, transformational workshop facilitator, or spoken word artist, I would love to be part of your event. I’m also available for organizational and group retreats, panel presentations, radio and podcast segments, webinars, and professional consultations. I am ready to be of service if you need help with mental wellness navigation and support or advocating for your children in the K-12 educational system.


I am highly skilled at meeting people where they are and helping them activate their gifts and superpowers. One of my greatest gifts is creating, cultivating, and holding space for vulnerability, personal enlightenment, and growth. I have the keen ability to read a room and guide participants through difficult emotions using masterful and transformative group facilitation. I enjoy teaching in the moment through emotional intelligence to regulate and transform participants in a group experience. And I’m a master at helping people explore trauma and navigate their way through personal healing and empowerment.


The First & Only Racial Trauma Healing Center in Omaha, Nebraska

Harriet’s Dream® is a program of the Justice Is Love Coalition’s Racial Justice Center, and it is the first and only racial trauma healing and wellness center for Black women in Nebraska. Harriet’s Dream® has consciously curated an Afrocentric menu of soul spa services for the mind, body, and spirit to help clients heal from the wounds of racism. Learn more about Harriet’s Dream® and become a member today.


“Love is allowing love to be your fuel, fire, fortitude, and fortress for the revolution.”
—Catrice M. Jackson

Imagine a galactic and magnificent movement of Blackness united to wield our most potent weapon against the forces that try to conquer us. That weapon is Black love. But Black love is under attack. We hold our breath as we struggle to survive the treachery of toxic whiteness. We deny ourselves the breath that love gives to life’s lungs. We suffocate ourselves with the filters of doubt, despair, grief, and fear, which keep us from inhaling the love that can heal us and save our lives. Our capacity to love collapses in the chaos, part of the Beautiful Struggle of living and loving in a Black body. With Black love as our compass and sword, we will win. It’s time to amour up! Put your love in motion, and above all else, be love. Inhale. Exhale. Let us begin this love revolution together.

“You will not be in peace with folks who are at war within themselves.”
—Catrice M. Jackson

We are quick to holler, “No justice, no peace,” when the system of whiteness steals the lives of our loved ones. We scream it when the police brutalize our communities. We chant it when we are sick and tired of systemic marginalization, oppression, and violence. But what do we shout when we take our own lives, when we brutalize our communities, and when we are sick and tired of community violence and Black folks harming one another? We need to channel that same fire and energy into holding each other accountable for the harm we cause one another. We need to rally together to inspire each other to prioritize and practice more healing, self-love, self-care, and peace. You will not be in peace with other Black folks who are at war within themselves, and they won’t be in peace with you if you are at war within yourself. It’s time to pick up your pieces and be peace.

“Happiness is the pathway to joy.”

—Catrice M. Jackson

If you want to be happy, you must be able to hold, carry, and cultivate happiness. But being happy is not the final destination; embodying and expressing deep joy is. This is especially true for Black folks who exist in a global society that considers your mere existence a dangerous threat to humanity. A society that does not see, value, or protect your Black humanity. A society that systematically and systemically creates traps and challenges to cause you to flounder, fail, and perish. An insanely anti-black society that despises your existence. The unbridled, unapologetic, and unfiltered full-body expression of your Black and proud self is a revolution! You deserve that kind of joy. You can have it when you stop chasing happiness and begin creating space for joy. Black joy is your birthright, and you deserve it. Start your journey to joy today.

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The Justice is Love Coalition



Catrice’s dedication to Black people is the motivation behind the Justice Is Love Coalition. Its mission is to dismantle oppressive systems and replace them with racially equitable and just systems so all communities can thrive. The Justice Is Love Coalition is love in action!

Economic justice is racial justice! We appreciate your amplification, support, and financial contributions to our campaigns.



Hey, Family. I’m glad you’re here!


I’ve spent decades being a voice for and advocating for Black people in various ways and settings, and justice has been a common thread. I believe in doing what is right, even when it’s not popular or palatable. The best way to show love for people is to do right by them and do what is right for them. I’m deeply committed to justice and love for Black people.


My passion for Black folks includes areas of expertise, including Mental Health and Emotional Wellness, Racial Trauma Healing, Racial and Social Justice Advocacy, Women’s Leadership Coaching, Empowering Marginalized Communities, Economic Justice and Grassroots Community Organizing, and Movement (for Black Lives) Mental Health Mentoring. I am committed to helping Black people think well, be well, and live well by advocating for mental wellness, social and racial justice, and economic reparations. I’m here to help you and your family experience it all.


Please browse the services, programs, events, and offerings inside the Black door, and let me know how I can support you on your personal journey of freedom, justice, and liberation.


“Love is honoring the beauty and struggle in Black love and letting it be your fuel and fire for Black liberation.”

—Nyalla Mkale Ukwazi (Catrice M. Jackson)


Black people, it’s time to start your personal healing journey—a journey to create and cultivate more love, peace, and happiness in your life. Read more below and choose the journey you wish to embark on.


We invite you to join the Black Liberation Book Club. We have selected insightful and empowering books to read, discuss, and learn from. Gather with Black folks around the world to connect, converse, and build community. Sign up to get more information about our book club.

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