A Catriceology® audio/video course for biracial Black women raised by white mothers to eradicate and heal from internalized anti-blackness.
This Catriceology® course is specifically for biracial Black women raised by white mothers. Why? Because being raised by a white mother versus a Black mother creates a dramatically different cultural experience. I have found in my work that biracial Black women raised by white mothers have been indoctrinated into “white” beliefs and actions that cause harm to Black folks (whether intentional or not) and to themselves. This harm is violent and anti-black, and it causes conflict and pain when engaging with Black women and within the Black community.
Eradicating and stopping this kind of violence must be a part of the movement for the freedom and liberation of Black people. Doing this work is also a healing experience for biracial women who require affirmation and accountability.
Who This Course Is and Is NOT For
This course is for you if:
You’ve experienced racial tension and conflict with your white mother or have been affected by her white-centered parenting behavior
You’re unsure how whiteness is toxic and harmful to Black folks and uncertain about which thoughts and behaviors are considered anti-black, but you are ready to confront and eradicate them
You’re unsure about what it means to “be Black,” and you may be uncomfortable with your own blackness
You’re unsure how to navigate Black spaces, uncomfortable in relationships with other Black folks, and concerned that the way you show up harms Black women
You’re experiencing frequent challenges with other Black women, you seem to be conflicted about what it means to be a Black woman, or you struggle with fitting in with both parts of your biracial world
You don’t know enough about Black culture and heritage, but you don’t know how to start learning
You struggle with speaking up about racism because of your white family members, you’re not sure which lane you should be in regarding race issues, or you want to know how you can embrace your blackness AND confront racism
This course is NOT for those who have thin skin. Because anti-blackness is lethal, this course will be strong medicine for those who want to heal from the Weapons of Whiteness®, transform, and be non-violent.
What You’ll Learn
In this course, you’ll learn:
That you’ve become anti-black by being taught to deny the beauty of your blackness and to despise blackness through the white women’s inherent anti-black lens
How anti-blackness shows up in your thoughts, feelings, and actions when you engage with other Black women
What the Weapons of Whiteness® are, which ones show up most frequently in biracial Black women, and how you may be using them to cause harm to other Black women
How to start eradicating your internalized anti-blackness, and how to show up more informed and less harmful when engaging with other Black women
About the Sessions
This course is pre-recorded, and you will receive a separate session recording each week.
The four weeks of training cover these topics:
Week 1 The Vicarious Indoctrination of Anti-Blackness by White Mothers
Week 2 How Your Anti-Blackness Shows Up with Other Black Women
Week 3 The Top Five Weapons of Whiteness® Used to Weaponize Anti-Blackness
Week 4 The First Five Critical Actions to Begin Eradicating Your Internalized Anti-Blackness
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