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DO NO HARM: Making Your Therapy Practices Ethically Anti-Racist

A course on the racism and anti-blackness inherent in the mental health industry and how you can cause less harm to your Black clients.

“If you don’t have an anti-racism plan, you plan to be racist.”
— Catrice M. Jackson


Why You Need This Course


As a therapist, I know that anti-blackness and racism run rampant in the mental health industry. I’ve seen it first hand, and the trauma it causes is despicable and unethical. The American Psychological Association (APA) agrees with me; they recently issued a resolution titled “Apology to People of Color for APA’s Role in Promoting, Perpetuating, and Failing to Challenge Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Human Hierarchy in U.S.”


The theories, practices, modalities, and assessment and diagnostic tools created from a white lens have been detrimental to non-white folks, especially Black people. This must change immediately, and guess what? White folks do not have the answers!


If you want to practice ethically and comply with APA Ethics Code 2.01, Boundaries of Competence, you must confront and eradicate your racism, stereotypes, and anti-blackness. This introductory four-week audio-video course is the best way to start your anti-racism journey.


Who This Course Is For


This course IS for non-Black mental health professionals (such as therapists, counselors, and substance abuse counselors) serving Black clients in any mental health capacity.


What You’ll Learn


In this course, you’ll learn:

  • The ways racism is inherently embedded in psychology and how the system systemically causes racial harm to non-white clients.

  • About the Catriceology® Weapons of Whiteness®, including the top five weapons that white therapists use against non-white clients to cause harm and re-traumatize them.

  • How to start disarming yourself, so you cause less harm.

  • What anti-blackness is, why it exists, and how it shows up in non-Black people, especially white people.

  • How to make personal anti-racism work a central part of your ethical practice.

  • First-hand stories about my experience as a Black therapist in a white-centered industry.


About the Sessions


This course is pre-recorded, and you will receive a separate session recording each week. The four weeks of training cover these topics:

  • Week 1. Digging up the roots of racism in psychology

  • Week 2. The harmful myth of “do no harm” – The White Gaze

  • Week 3. How you are weaponizing whiteness – WOW

  • Week 4. Can you be ethical and anti-black?




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